How many E6 extenders can I connect to an Archer Air R5?

How many E6 extenders can I connect to an Archer Air R5?

How many E6 extenders can I connect to an Archer Air R5?
How many E6 extenders can I connect to an Archer Air R5?
2024-02-23 10:09:44
Model: Archer Air R5  
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Firmware Version:

I have a Archer Air R5 with 2 x E5 extenders today but the struggle with the 5G signal in some areas. Can I add more than 2 E5 extenders? If so, what is the limit?

1 Reply
Re:How many E6 extenders can I connect to an Archer Air R5?
2024-02-26 10:08:20



For Wi-Fi Backhaul EasyMesh Network, we recommend up to 6 units in one EasyMesh network. 



1) Wireless throughput and stability will not always increase as the EasyMesh device amount increases, if the wireless coverage is already enough when there are no dead zones already, it is not necessary to add more units.

2) The above recommendation is only for reference, actual throughput and performance might differ due to the house layout, obstacles, distances between EasyMesh devices, etc.

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