Deco Disconnected Issue

Deco Disconnected Issue

Deco Disconnected Issue
Deco Disconnected Issue
2024-05-17 16:55:21

Hi There,


I have purchased a deco, it's Deco X60 model. I have setup it successfully with the deco application in phone. It's working good and have nice experience.


Now the issue is that, if i go out from my home. Deco light is turned red, because the deco is setup with my phone.


I need help that, if I'm not in the home, deco work properly so my family can enjoy the internet services.


Recently I'm out home and in Delhi, now the deco is stopped working in my home. No-one from my family can use the internet they suffer many issues.


Please help me with my issue.



4 Reply
Re:Deco Disconnected Issue
2024-05-18 05:32:01

@Shantanu_x60 Deco owner's physical location has nothing to do with Deco turning red/becoming unstable.


Even if the owner is out of the country (assuming the phone is with the owner), Deco network should work as intended.


Are you able to check your Deco network status when you're not in home?

Just a M4 (2-pack) user who regrets buying it
Re:Deco Disconnected Issue
2024-05-18 09:06:14

  @ImtiazAli I'm not able to check the deco network status, If I'm not in the home.


Once I'm in the home, i can check the network status and deco start working properly.


Please help me with a solution for this.


All the best,


Re:Deco Disconnected Issue
2024-05-18 13:34:13 - last edited 2024-05-18 14:37:46

Shantanu_x60 wrote


Now the issue is that, if i go out from my home. Deco light is turned red, because the deco is setup with my phone.




Deco mesh will not go offline and turn red just because you go out of your home with your smartphone. Check this forum: if this were the case, you would see very many angry people complaining about it. In three years I am active on that forum you are the first with that complaint.


Check Amazon or other online marketplace in your country and under feedback for Deco units see if anyone complains of that - if this were as you think it is, there will be many complains. I don't see anyone mentioning that in Amazon in my country.



The problem must be elsewhere but, as I can see, you need to be convinced. Here are two tests I recommend you to do, but you must do them while you are at your home.


Test 1.

Turn off smartphone WiFi. Your smartphone should now be on voice/data from your cellular provider. It is equivalent of you leaving your home and getting out of Deco WiFi range.

See if Deco mesh goes down right after you turned off WiFi on smartphone.


Test 2.

Power off smartphone. It is equivalent of you leaving the country and be in another country which does not have voice/data roaming agreement with your cellular provider.

See if Deco mesh goes down right after you powered off smartphone.




I also suggest doing this tests quietly, without announcing them to your household members. You want to be sure these tests only involve your smartphone.

Re:Deco Disconnected Issue
2024-05-31 07:09:13

  @Alexandre. I have tried the both test but the issue is remain same.


I have switched off the phone that seema to be Im out of home and not connected with the router. When i do this process, router working fine but after one hour it light going to red and no internet connection.


Please help me someone with a permanent solution of this issue.


All the best,

