Deco Lab---The Intelligent Wi-Fi Assistant

Released On: 2022-06-28 07:36:49Last update time: 2023-03-22 07:41:47

Deco Lab is a collection of experimental features and they will be continuously optimized for a better experience.

It helps you diagnose your network for free, and protect your privacy from being stolen when you use public Wi-Fi. With Deco Lab, you can check the essential details about your Wi-Fi access points including Internet speed, wireless signal strength, latency, and security with one tap. You can also check how other Wi-Fi networks are impacting your Wi-Fi, the surrounding cameras, the vendor information for a known MAC address, and ISP information for a known IP address. 

Deco IOS/Android APP includes a built-in Deco Lab. Please refer to the following pictures to locate the Deco Lab.


Introduction for Functions:
1. Wi-Fi Diagnostics

Run Wi-Fi Diagnostics to access your network security and performance.
After performing this function, the app will automatically check your network's signal strength, security, Ping result, wireless interference, etc.


2. Detect Camera
After performing this function, the app will automatically scan all the cameras in your network. Or you can also click Detect Camera Manually on the App to check if there are any cameras in your house. 
3. Scan for Devices
After performing this function, the app will automatically scan all the terminal devices in your network. 


4. Ping Test
Ping test on the specified server to view real-time packet loss and delay data.

In the upper right corner of this page, you can set the send interval and packet size or view the history



5. Public IP Lookup
Query tool to query the network information of the current network or the network information of a specific IP address.
You can type in a specific IP address to check the location and the ISP information or click Lookup Current IP to check the information of your network if the Internet address of your network is a public address. In the upper right corner of this page, you can view the history.

6. MAC Lookup
Query tool for relevant vendor information based on MAC address.
You can type in a specific MAC address (first six letters) to check the vendor information of the device. In the upper right corner of this page, you can view the history.

7. Open Port Checker
You can type in a specific IP address to check the opened ports of this server or click Scan Current Device to check the opened ports of your router. In the upper right corner of this page, you can view the history.



Please help me with my deco cause flashing blue when I am trying to connect with the main deco



Wifi assistent has some bugs on my iPhone. I have the TP-link Deco M9+ system. When I use the regular speedtest in the Deco app it is perfect: 350Mbps down and 35 up. But when I go to Deco lab and use the wifi diagnostics test it tells me I'm offline. Ping does work. How can this be solved, or how can I solve this?

Hi, please refer to the suggestions on this link:

[Solution] Wi-Fi assistant shows I’m offline so can’t do a speed test but I’m online

Best regards.


The speed test is erroneous. Mine is showing 75meg on a 500 meg service that shows full speed from a wired (through the deco) computer and about 150 from my iPhone. Something isn't working. 

I m  wifi pasword chans  kora 

I love the TP Link Deco App as it is but would love to see more come to it. Please consider new features and looking into firmware bug testing. Thank you!


A few points of concern and suggestion are:


1. Homelink Security detects a risk when a guest network is active or inactive.

2. WIFI Assistant doesn't detect signal strength.

3. WIFI Assistsnt doesn't offer a description for all ports scanned. 
4. WIFI Assistant doesn't offer a speedtest. A test from modem to router and router to device would be appreciated.

5. Usage Reports doesn't offer device details when selecting segments within the chart. More details in reports would be appreciated. 
6. WIFI Assistant score is always 3 stars although connection appears to be optimal. 
7. WIFI Assistant doesn't offer channel analysis visualization.

8. Live Data Flow chart would be appreciated, cumulative and per device.

Note: Deco App being used on iOS and iPadOS, latest updated versions available as of April 2023 for all device and Deco app.

How does the detect camera feature work? What does it detect?


I ran a scan and one Dell laptop on my network is detected as a camera. Is it possible there is some spyware on it?

My Wi-Fi diagnostic score is only 4 out of 5 stars. How can I find out why it isn't 5 so I can make changes to improve to 5 stars?

md shahalom nur