Any known issues with Solar
We've recently installed solar panels on the roof of our barn, approx 30m from the house.
In preperation I purchased a Powerline extender and it paired and worked fine when plugged into the barn, however, now that we have had the solar panels installed, the connection is very tempromental. The "house" LED on teh extender very rarely shows a connection but I can leave it alone and the connection will come back by itself when it does.
Does anyone know of any issues where interaction with Solar results in teh powerline adapters not working - is it something as simple as being dependent on the direction in which the voltage is flowing along the power lines for example?
If helps - a rough schematic is:
Adapter plugged into ring main
Main fuse board
from which ~40m cable to barn
into 2nd fuse board -
Solar and seperate ring main spurred from 2nd fuse board
Extender plugged into this ring main