RE450 problems with devices connected vie ethernet
Hi guys,
So, I'm reaching the end of my tether with this setup which is as follows.
Sky superfast (G.Fast) broadband located in the living room ---> RE450 located upstairs in my office with my PC connected to it via ethernet.
Problems: Setup goes smoothly and the wifi connection is good on both 2.4 & 5 Ghz networks. The issue only seems to be with the ethernet connection to my PC. When I run a speed test (Ookla or similar) I get the max bandwidth available to me which is 140-150Mbps, however, if I'm gaming or talking on discord/Zoom I get a serious amount of lag. when running a line health check I can see my latency spikes every so often.
Obviously, this renders the RE450 completely useless, unless I can figure out why the connection is so intermittent. There doesn't seem to be the same issue when connected to the wifi signal of the device but then again it isn't really a persistent connection as gaming/video chat requires.
Any comments or things to check would be very appreciated.