AX-6000 flawless out of box
Prior to purchasing, I read about everyone's issues with heat and other operational problems relative to firmware upgrades. I almost canceled my order after reading others problems. Mine has been in service 2 weeks now and performing flawlessly. I decided to run the unit with the firmware it came with out of the box. If it performs flawlessly, which it has to this point, I'll wait until I'm convinced the most current firmware is bug free before updating. Note, when going to latest firmware, your unable to roll it back if it causes you problems. 2nd, I took a pro-active approach to address the unit running hot. I purchased a dual fan setup with the router sitting on top of one fan and the other blowing across it. The router is running cool. Heat kills electronics and I truly believe a lot of the issues with dropping WiFi, etc. is heat related, and once cooled down started working again. The AX-6000 is the router I wanted, performs to my expectations, and yes, I shouldn't have had to buy cooling fans. I believe the fans are a key component to my problem free experience so far. Hope these suggestions might help others have a trouble free experience as I have!