Unable to configure WPA4220 v1.2
I have a WPA4220 hw version 1.2 which today seemed to lose its WiFi settings. We had it configured with a different name and password to the default. I have been trying to re-configure it but can't. When I use the tpLink utility on my laptop it sees the device but I don't get the opportunity to login and set the wifi configuration. The video on the website says when I click that I should be prompted for the username and password - I just get the dialog showing the device name and the button to turn the LEDs on and off (which doesn't work either!).
I've tried going to tplinkplc.net but that page says that I'm not connected directly to the powerline adaptor - I am. I've also tried the Android app, but it doesn't support this device.
The adaptor is working OK, but I'm confused why I can't configure the wifi. I had to upgrade the tpLink utility as well due to flash no longer being supported. Is my adapter actually a lot older than I feel it is and its not supported by any of the apps?