PC goes BlueScreen after installing TPlink Driver
Recently i bought this adapter , when the first time i plug in without installing the Official driver it works properly i guess,
and after a while i realize that the adapter didn't perform like what in the paper state, my wifi internet speed is 500mbps but when i speed test its only 200+ or even lower than that,
so i thought it maybe because of the driver so i installed the latest driver , and it works , the speed is good 450 - 490 mpbs , BUT whenever i do heavy download or stream 4k movie the adapter disconnect the wifi randomly , not the usb disconnected but the wifi connection, so i installed the EU version of driver and its LESS troublesome from disconnected , BUT after while the pc goes Bluescreen randomly at first , then it bluescreen in Sign-in pc after boot up , it looped like that , if i unplug the adapter its okay but after i plug-in it goes bluescreen. after i did the solution from internet nothing works , changed the driver version multiple times still didn't work and got slapped with Bluescreen . so i decide just to use the windows default driver BUT it didn't work too! . the windows default driver is corrupted something like that , so i experiment a bit to get back the windows driver work again , heres what i do : i installed the official driver first , then i uninstall it back while the Adapter is still plug-in , then the Windows default driver replace automatically afterward , then i got the adapter works fine back using windows driver at a cost of losing 300mbps of my 500mbps internet speed. i don't know the solution for this. but i suspect that i remember the windows has update back then , and after a while the bluescreen came up. is it my PC the issues or the TP-Link Driver is the culprit.