IPTV record&go issue
Rebuilding my local network causes me some problem. I have an ONT device which I set into bridge mode. So all the work is done by my tp-link router (connecting to the internet, DHCP server, broadcasting WI-FI...) The androidtv boxes (2 devices) which I got from my internet/tv provider are connected to the tp-link.
- ONT(LAN1) -----> TP-LINK (WAN)
- TP-LINK (LAN1) -----> AndroidTV box
The TV broadcast is fine BUT switching the channels seems slower than before (direct connection to the ONT). When pausing the channel, I mean the program, the device throws an error.
IGMP proxy and snooping are enabled with version V2.
When enabling the IPTV/VLAN mode and IPTV for the specific lan port, the androidtv box does not able to connect to the internet or display the actual program.
From the ISP side, they told me there are no hidden setting in their ONT, so the issue is some missing configuration from my end.
The last thing I would do to connect the android boxes to the ONT and configure it as the main router.
Any help is much appreciated.