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Forums/ Feature Requests
By jfilipelcarvalh 2024-08-04 00:08:33

Relays with(out) neutral

When Tapo will launch some modules to put inside dumb wall Switches, or a smaller wall Switch that fit on most EU homes for use side by side? Modules to roller shutter too. Will be very useful! Thanks
Forums/ Feature Requests
By Fuzzz 2023-10-04 16:37:49

Multi Functional Relay

A smart relay would come in really hand. With a multi-functional relay, users can open or close railway curtain, electric window, garage door and garden irrigation devices Similar product: Orvibo Mult
Forums/ Feature Requests
By BGabor 2024-11-29 08:29:15

Tapo Multi function relay needed

I use the Tapo environment(I like it), have 20 smart device from Tapo, but have to use 2x Wolley switch and 3x Shelly device as well, because Tapo does not have 3 essential devices. Ttwo from them is
Forums/ Feature Requests
By Kezzi 2024-05-12 16:56:20

[FEATURE REQUEST] - Skip forward/backwards by 10 seconds.

Almost every video player out there has a skip feature where you can easily skip forwards/backwards by 10 seconds. Check any YouTube video for example. While watching a YouTube video, double-tap the r