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Forums/ Feature Requests
By BGabor 2024-11-29 08:29:15

Tapo Multi function relay needed

I use the Tapo environment(I like it), have 20 smart device from Tapo, but have to use 2x Wolley switch and 3x Shelly device as well, because Tapo does not have 3 essential devices. Ttwo from them is
Forums/ Pharos Wireless Bridges
By Drdan66 2023-04-05 10:49:11

Learn client IP to ping from AP or connected N300 router

Both the AP and the client work as expected. The connected TP-LINK N300 travel router also operates as expected. In a nutshell the complete system works. Client is near a road so I did not broadcast t
Forums/ Pharos Wireless Bridges
By Drdan66 2018-08-25 16:21:47

CPE210 driving a WR802N cannot get to management page

Hello. WR802N Problem. Cannot access the initial management page to make changes. Here is what i have going... fibre via Ethernet -> Router (primary gateway IP Router via Ethernet -> tp-l