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Forums/ Deco
2024-06-20 19:53:39
Re:How to whitelist a website on deco x3600
HI @David-TP I haven't messed with the DNS yet. The issue did resurface but a reboot of the router fixed it again. Tested at my relative's house who have another version of the Deco router and no...
Forums/ Deco
2024-06-15 01:16:06
Re:How to whitelist a website on deco x3600
@David-TP Hi David, Thanks for getting back to me on this. Would appreciate if you can give me details around editing the WAN, and I would try to experiment with it. I did connect the win10 pro...
Forums/ Deco
2024-06-07 17:07:43
Re:How to whitelist a website on deco x3600
@ImtiazAli Hi I do and will explore on laptop and deaktop. However on cell it works on mobile data but not on wifi. Thanks again.
Forums/ Deco
2024-06-07 02:03:11
How to whitelist a website on deco x3600
Hello, Need help to figure out how to whiltelist website for my deco x3600 I use a website to watch sports, the website itself loads but the stream doesn't, was working until a day or two ago....