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Forums/ Routers
2023-10-31 11:43:37
Re:Router Omada Detected TCP SYN packets attack and dropped xxx packets every 10 minutes, 24/7
hello @Clive_A , fortunately it does not affect my internet connectivity, unfortunately I cannot upgrade to the beta version due to the fact that the controller firmware is 5.12.7, and the beta...
Forums/ Routers
2023-10-31 07:38:11
Router Omada Detected TCP SYN packets attack and dropped xxx packets every 10 minutes, 24/7
I have a system consisting of an ER605 router, a TL-SG2008 switch and an EAP610 AP, all with an omada controller software version 5.12.7, and every 10 minutes I receive a notification: "Router Omada...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2021-11-04 13:09:21
Re:Tapo C200 and Blue Iris not working
@Harringtonb Hi, I tried, it gives me the same error. Error 404 - Stream not found! Anyway from what I understand and the support of those from blueiris is that I should upgrade to version 5,but...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2021-05-25 05:15:55
Re:Tapo C200 and Blue Iris not working
@itm60 Unfortunately, I failed, apparently it is a problem at blueiris v4.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2020-12-09 09:08:57
Re:Tapo C200 and Blue Iris not working
@TP-Link Yes, with vlc I checked and it works, with iSpy I didn't check.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2020-12-06 14:38:54
Re:Tapo C200 and Blue Iris not working
@TP-Link This is my settings The username and password from this screen is the one i've created in tapo app. And this is the error!