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Forums/ Switches
2021-05-07 13:19:35
Re:T1600G-28TS Firmware upgrade failed
@1207 I´ve tried now multiple workstations: PC1: Firefox & Edge - didn´t worked Server: Firefox, Chrome & Edge - didn´t worked PC2: Firefox didn´t worked, but in Chrome it worked! Thanks
Forums/ Switches
2021-05-04 06:32:34
T1600G-28TS Firmware upgrade failed
Hi, i have tried to upgrade my T1600G-28TS switch, but it won´t work. Device Name: T1600G-28TS Hardware Version: T1600G-28TS 3.0 Firmware Version: 3.0.0 Build 20180130 Rel.33015(s) Boot Loader...