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Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2021-06-03 14:37:35
Re:DHCP server enabled automatically when server rebooted.
@Solla-topee the issue with my vms seems to be solved (by magic i suppose ....didn't do anything,but staringly it still works for some days now) i got my tv decoder that stucks...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2021-05-18 14:56:41
Re:DHCP server enabled automatically when server rebooted.
@Solla-topee good is what i got.... both adapters are TL-PA4010 (AV600) (FIRMWARE 1.3.1 2141-00_401013_171025_901), not sure about my hardware version,but i think it's the latest...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2021-05-16 08:25:08
Re:Is there a hidden DHCP Server in Powerline adapters?
hello all....same situation with tl-pa4010 .......... blew up my whole network setup....... any news on how to fix this please? ps already asked tplink support....waiting for an update
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2021-05-16 08:18:59
Re:DHCP server enabled automatically when server rebooted.
@Frankygee hello all! almost same case here....i use win10 as my host for some vm's using centos linux after installing the tl-pa4010 adapters,my internal network blew up....can not access the vm's...