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Forums/ Routers
2023-04-04 12:24:55
Re:Does the ER605 firewall support IPv6?
@Virgo You can enable IPv6 on the WAN and LAN interfaces, so no problem there. What I don't think you can do is create firewall ACLs with IPv6 addresses. Has anyone been able to create IPv6 firewall...
Forums/ Routers
2023-04-02 01:19:38
Does the ER605 firewall support IPv6?
Does the ER605 firewall support IPv6?
Forums/ Controllers
2021-11-19 23:49:21
Re:EAP620HD V2 firmware version that supports all US 5 GHz channels?
@John1234 Thanks John! Can someone from TP-Link cofirm whether the November 03 release of the EAP620HD V1 firmware supports all DFS channels?
Forums/ Controllers
2021-11-18 15:04:52
EAP620HD V2 firmware version that supports all US 5 GHz channels?
Is there firmware version, regular or beta, for the EAP620HD that supports all US 5 GHz channels?