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Forums/ Deco
2021-05-26 06:00:37
Re:DecoM5 and multiple Access Points
Alexandre. wrote Every product has its target audience. Every product has its limitations, usually tailored for its target audience. Household WiFi mesh systems create their own WiFi network, they do...
Forums/ Deco
2021-05-25 14:26:12
Re:DecoM5 and multiple Access Points
TP-Link wrote @aasimenator Hi, there is a workaround for your reference: Since you have 4 of Deco M5, we could consider taking one M5 out and create another mesh system with a different SSID; Then...
Forums/ Deco
2021-05-25 06:33:32
DecoM5 and multiple Access Points
Firstly I have a bone to pick with TP-Link regarding this Deco series, This is a great product for any first-timer that doesn't know much about setting up the routers and access point etc., but it...