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Forums/ Controllers
2021-07-30 14:10:07
Continues Wireless connection issues
Hi TP-link, I recently bought these products: OC200 v1.0 (firmware 1.8.0 Build 20210406 Rel.58757) ER7206 v1.0 (firmware 1.1.1) SG2428P v1.0 (firmware 1.1.1) EAP225v3 (x2) (firmware 5.0.3) ..which...
Forums/ Routers
2021-07-29 09:41:34
Re:NAT Loopback (Hairpinning) broken in Firmware 1.10 ER7206 and 605 URGENT FIX NEEDED!
@TheMuk v1.1.1 just came available through the controller for ER7206.
Forums/ Routers
2021-07-29 09:17:20
Re:ER7206 New Firmware? When?
Looks like v1.1.1 for the ER7206 has been released. (via the controller)
Forums/ Controllers
2021-07-26 14:52:42
Statistics tab - scientific notation (9.95e5)
I noticed some statistics are shown in the scientific notation (packets, errors, retries). I know how to read them, but I do think it would be easier to read as kilo, mega, giga.. Is this a settings...