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Forums/ Routers
2017-01-19 11:01:56
Re:How to support user for tplink load balancer
since you have three wan entries, you can set R480T to have three wan ports, the bandwidth control entry is up to your WAN port,
Forums/ Routers
2017-01-19 10:55:26
Re:TL-R470T+ seems to be ignoring Policy Routing Setting
can you snap a picture of your config? I think I can help you check it
Forums/ Routers
2017-01-19 10:52:41
Re:TL-R480T+ session problem
hey dude, I suggest you contact the TPlink support for help, they can help you on this issue.
Forums/ Routers
2017-01-19 10:45:39
Re:ER5120 - Load Balance Priortiy
hey dude, do you mean the function of policy routing? Or any other function?
Forums/ Routers
2017-01-19 10:42:02
Re:port forwarding not working
hey dude, your operation seems to be correct, can you snap a picture of the your configuration of virtual server? I think I can help you check it
Forums/ Routers
2017-01-19 10:39:40
Re:Dual wan
hey dude, when it comes to the fail-over mechanism, do you mean the link backup function?