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Forums/ Routers
2015-11-18 20:13:42
Still have problems
German team wrote The issue has been solved in a BETA Firmware. Please refer to our German FTP: [B][/B]As you can...
Forums/ Routers
2015-11-10 20:38:02
Re:TL-R470T+ Disappearing Web interface
German team wrote The issue has been solved in a BETA Firmware. Please refer to our German FTP: [B][/B]As you can...
Forums/ Routers
2015-06-15 23:45:35
Re:TL-R470T+ Disappearing Web interface
I bought the equipment a few days ago and I am having this very same problem with firmware : TL-R470T+_V4_141208. I will really appreciate if tp-link company provides a quick solution.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2013-07-23 08:21:57
Same here in Panasonic 42GT30B
I bought this WDR4300 for the dlna server feature but it's so disapointing that it does not work with my tv. As you guys told above, tv says the format is not recognized but the same files plays fine...