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Forums/ Routers
2014-02-16 22:56:25
Re:System Light does turn on. Can't access router.
okay so i am able to go into the boot menu by using the console cable and powering the device up while holding in the reset button. How do i restore the system from here?
Forums/ Routers
2014-02-16 16:44:23
Re:System Light does turn on. Can't access router.
I dont think the reset function works.. Been holding for up to 30sec and no system light flashing. I dont think the button is broken though because if I hold the reset button while powering up, it...
Forums/ Routers
2014-02-11 16:52:28
System Light does turn on. Can't access router.
Region : UnitedKingdom Model : TL-ER5120 Hardware Version : V2 ISP : I was logged into the router and cleared the statistics when it seemed as if the router crashed. Now the system light does not...