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Forums/ Range Extenders
2016-08-10 02:49:35
Re:Set user/password for TPLINK RE200 AC750 Wif-Fi Range Extender
Hi, Thank you for your response, but I believe that option is for changing the default user/password to access the Extender settings. What I require is to set a different user/password to access the...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2016-08-10 02:47:49
Re:Set user/password for TPLINK RE200 AC750 Wif-Fi Range Extender
Thank you for responding, Might you provide a suggestion on what device do I need to do what I require ?, .. practically, the same functionality but including the user/password access restricted. I...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2016-07-24 12:28:10
Set user/password for TPLINK RE200 AC750 Wif-Fi Range Extender
Model : Hardware Version : Not Clear Firmware Version : ISP : Anyone can tell me if it is possible to set a user/password for the Wi-Fi Access trhough the Extender RE200 AC750 ? I have all set,...