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Forums/ Deco
2021-09-29 15:34:58
Re:Deco S4 - RED LED but working??
@Friet Hi (sorry for the delay) i posted the MAC address already : 00-31-92-C8-5C-6C This comes from the black label and the tplinkdeco management interface (which i prefer above the app..I hate...
Forums/ Deco
2021-09-23 06:38:11
Re:Deco S4 - RED LED but working??
@ALEXANDRE A : Yes, Ethernet cable, and yes i see it in the router connection list B: i created a separate SSID, and connected to that SSID, hence connected to the S4 and not my existing wifi network...
Forums/ Deco
2021-09-22 21:32:27
Deco S4 - RED LED but working??
Hello, Working to get three Deco S4 uits setup. first unit is setup finally and seems to work. - unit is set to access point , as the telecom providers modem router functonality cannot be switched...