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Forums/ Deco
2023-03-02 21:42:02
Re:Deco PX50 - Powerline or Ethernet for backhaul?
@harry66 I have a Deco PX50 and it uses definitely uses powerline as the primary backbone, the units plug diectly into a standard 13A socket and the other end plugs into the back of the Deco. I...
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
2023-02-25 21:06:27
RE:Feature Request - Guest Network separate DHCP/DNS settings
Agree with the request to add Guest Network DHCP/DNS settings
Forums/ Deco
2023-02-23 19:59:48
Re:Deco PX50 Potential issue with DNS resolution on Guest Network
@David-TP Thank-you for your email and I now understand why this is happening due to the Deco shielding one of its' clients on the local network from the guest network. I can also see how putting a...
Forums/ Deco
2023-02-19 17:45:51
Deco PX50 Potential issue with DNS resolution on Guest Network
Noticed something funny with how DNS resolution is performed on the Guest Network of a Deco PX50 unit. On my network I use pihole to perform ad blocking and I have configured the Deco PX50 to have...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-01-28 19:30:53
Re:5GHz wifi not working (SSID not visible, can't connect) after upgrade firmware 2.1.5 Build 20211231
@Kevin_Z Thank-you for your email, unfortunately I didn't get a chance to reply to Adam as I didn't pickup the message until this evening. Great that the issue is recognised and being fixed, not...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-01-28 19:26:28
Re:Archer AX20 updated - 5Ghz network no longer available
@Hogrod I got the same email from TP-link. Good that they have responded quickly and acknowledged an issues, pretty terrible that its' going to take two weeks to release a fix. Fortunately we can...