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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
a week ago
Re:TP-LINK tpCamera does not recognize the admin password to connect the NC450 camera
Same same same problem. Cameras are actually working but tpcamera app cant access to camera! It keeps asking admin password even after reset and changing default admin password from web interface....
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
a week ago
Re:Tplink camera app keep asking for admin password, incorrect password error despite correct password.
Hi, any update pls?
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
3 weeks ago
Re:NC450 can't reset | can't login with admin/admin
Wondering if they will solve this problem before some people take legal actions or worse people lose trust with tplink and go for other brands. This kind of issues is not good for company reputation...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
3 weeks ago
Re:Tplink camera app keep asking for admin password, incorrect password error despite correct password. As above picture from tpcamera guide suggests there is a set password stage after detecting camera for the first time. But this phase is not coming thru...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
3 weeks ago
Re:Tplink camera app keep asking for admin password, incorrect password error despite correct password.
@Solla-topee Hi, already tried all those steps, didnt help. After reset, i can connect camera to wifi with wps button on device. Then on Android mobile device tpcamera app detects the device and asks...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
3 weeks ago
Tplink tpcamera app keep asking for admin password, incorrect password error despite correct one.
Looks like all NC series and possibly all other cameras related with tplink camera app have this problem. Even after resetting devices problem persist. Cameras are accessible from web interface but...