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Forums/ Deco
2022-11-07 20:59:48
Mixed Deco Network
Hi I have a mixed Deco mesh network comprising off:- 1 x x90 (main deco) 2 x M9 Plus 4 x M5 5 out of the 6 M9/M5s are now hardwired in. I want to expand the system but dont know whether to replace...
Forums/ Deco
2022-02-14 21:54:30
Re:Deco X90 with M5 - slow
@TP-Link I seem to have the same issue. I added an X90 as i needed to expand a netwok with 2 x M9s and 4 x M5s. The speeds off anything other that the main x90 have dropped off totally since adding...
Forums/ Deco
2022-02-14 21:42:37
Re:Slow Internet Speed with Deco Devices
@TP-Link Hi I was running 2 x M9 pluses with 4 x M5 and they were generally working ok. I have 1gb internet from my ISP but have never got any where near those speeds from the nodes. I needed to...