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Forums/ General Discussion
2022-04-20 07:16:59
Re:Can't create new thread - 'Content or title contains illegal external links' error
Hi @eternalether and @faded_memories. When @Kevin_Z looked into my case, he said that "it seems winpcap [dot] org and default [dot] htm are recognized as hyperlinks" so it seems that anything...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2022-04-05 08:19:40
Re:TPPlc utility to use NPCap instead of WinPCap
" PS I had another complete nightmare again posting this, again because it thought there's a hyperlink in here somewhere. I had pasted in the screenshots. If this is the problem and it apparently...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2022-04-05 08:16:59
Re:TPPlc utility to use NPCap instead of WinPCap
Hi @Solla-topee, Sorry for the delay in replying. I didn't get a notification that there was a reply. Yes, I had downloaded the latest version (Two point Three point 4344 point Six) of the TPlink...
Forums/ General Discussion
2022-04-05 07:37:06
Re:Can't create new thread - 'Content or title contains illegal external links' error
Hi @eternalether, I am glad I'm not going mad then...but sad that it does seem to be a problem. I don't think it is because the message was too long. Well, it wasn't in my case as it wasn't long but,...
Forums/ General Discussion
2022-03-31 10:08:16
Re:Can't create new thread - 'Content or title contains illegal external links' error
Hi @Kevin_Z , Thanks for your reply. The thing is that there was absolutely no hyperlink or URL whatsoever. They had been removed, the message copied into Notepad to strip out any possible metadata,...
Forums/ General Discussion
2022-03-27 12:35:27
Can't create new thread - 'Content or title contains illegal external links' error
No matter what I do when creating a thread, I keep getting a 'Content or title contains illegal external links' error...when there are no links, no hyperlinks, just plain text (I have even pasted it...