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Forums/ Feature Request (Extenders)
2023-11-28 20:26:48
Re:Range Extenders Support OneMesh/EasyMesh in AP Mode
@Eightball11854 We're in the same boat "in" with TPLink routers and repeaters without backhaul. Surely TPLink would prefer that we "upgrade" to newer equipment that supports it. My future purchase of...
Forums/ Feature Request (Extenders)
2023-11-28 19:41:06
Re:Range Extenders Support OneMesh/EasyMesh in AP Mode
@Eightball11854 505X & 815X shown as "planned" click on show all I'll be disappointed AGAIN if AX11000 EasyMesh firmware is not released...
Forums/ Feature Request (Others)
2022-05-02 00:12:27
Re:[Range Extender] OneMesh Supports Ethernet Backhaul
@Solla-topee I currently have an AX11000 router, RE505X, RE603X and RE315 repeaters, but connection is rather poor/slow at the bedrooms due to too many walls in between. I already have run ehternet...