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Forums/ WiFi
2024-12-08 20:13:59
(( How do i Blocks Hotspotting )) using - omada 
hello Copyright © 2024 TP-Link Systems Inc. All rights reserved. (( How do i Blocks Hotspotting )) using - omada
Forums/ WiFi
2022-12-27 08:52:23
(EAP225-Outdoor(EU) v3.0 ) and EAP225-Outdoor(US) v1.0    
Now issue I have 10 new device received (EAP225-Outdoor(EU) v3.0 ) and Currently have EAP225-Outdoor(US) v1.0 the issue is that i cant connect v3 to v1 it keeps failing but it adopts in the...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-12-27 08:49:58
Re:How to create AP in Mesh environment
@Somnus Thank you it worked by itself , Now issue I have 10 new device received (EAP225-Outdoor(EU) v3.0 ) and Currently have EAP225-Outdoor(US) v1.0 the issue is that i cant connect v3 to v1 it...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-07-24 09:09:00
Re:Network speed drop when i link my EAP 225 with cable Lan poe to Lan poe
@d0ugmac1 the poe came with evice
Forums/ WiFi
2022-07-24 09:01:11
Re:How to unlink a mesh AP
@Philbert - i tried still comes back as mesh not ap
Forums/ WiFi
2022-07-24 08:59:38
How to create AP in Mesh environment
hi support I Have 15 access point 2 are AP and I want to add AP WHEN I CONNECT IT WIRED IT COMES OUT AS MESH How do i force it to be AP 1 TRIED O FORGET IT AND ADOPT DIDN’T HELP 2.. RESET DIDN’T HELP