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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2022-07-19 01:52:10
Re:Omada router Nat disable needed
@KLX Example here is ISP Modem>>>Sophos XG Firewall>>>R605>>>Vlans created in R605 With nat functioning on the ER605, the XG only sees the R605 wan address. The only way the XG can do the job it was...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-07-18 20:51:45
Re:Disable NAT
@Mark_TSB This is a big problem. People wanting to switch from ubiquiti platform to omada will most likely not switch because of this. I too have a Roqos RC150 SD Wan Appliance on the edge of my...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2022-07-17 01:43:46
Omada router Nat disable needed
I just bough a whole stack of Omada enabled network equipment with the idea of testing and then rolling out to customers. Everything went fine except the fact that many of these customers have...