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Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
add x265 & QUIC & HTTPS /3 & DOH
add x265 protocal this will in crease bandwith add x265 & QUIC & HTTPS /3 & DOH THESE IMPROVE SECURTY cut the bandwith down for streaming encpty all traffic overall improve a solid product I would...
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
Re:Disabling LED should also disable the DNS query DoS attack (100k requests/mo)
can you changes your gateway 1.1.1,2 & 8.,8,8.8 that should block malware speed up your deco i recommend this on all routers tplink or deco it should improve your experience
Forums/ Deco
Re:Optimize The Overall App Experience on Deco XE5300/XE75/XE75 Pro
Any plans on adding doh support to the deco lines
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
Re:Encrypted DNS
I have been posting multi times on both tplink & deco no movement forward or beta releases supporting doh I have used cloudflare zero trust push doh on locations because most routers dont support doh...
Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Re:Optimize The Overall App Experience on Deco XE5300/XE75/XE75 Pro
on any deco is it possible to deploy 2 set of 3 deco there be one has direct connection to the internet the rest be statlites
Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Re:Optimize The Overall App Experience on Deco XE5300/XE75/XE75 Pro
has anyone seen the clientlist move between the nodes everthing is still connected moves from bedwroom to living room yes there all the same network .. Overall after the firmware upgraded the ex75pro...