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Forums/ Deco
2022-09-03 07:11:49
Re:Continual drop outs - Virgin Media Ireland
@David-TP Looks like I spoke too soon, came home last night and everything is down. Reboot, reset internet etc hasn't done anything. I'll email the log over after all - thanks. Best, Lewis
Forums/ Deco
2022-09-02 12:45:58
Re:Continual drop outs - Virgin Media Ireland
@David-TP Thanks David, I really appreciate your response. I had tried the Deco's in Access Point mode but didn't get anywhere with that. This morning, in yet another pique of rage as my temporary...
Forums/ Deco
2022-09-01 12:39:31
Continual drop outs - Virgin Media Ireland
Afternoon, I have five deco M4's running around my house in router mode attached to virgin media hub. I am getting continual red lights and losing internet connectivity throughout the house. I have...