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Forums/ DSL Modem&Routers
2022-10-04 18:10:22
Re:TPlinkdns created sucessfully but can't access router via DNS name - IP Adress works fine
Update from my side. I made a simple test and created an account at duckdns. This is easy to setup via the router and as it is embedded in the WEB GUI. I have choosen duck DNS because I like ducks....
Forums/ DSL Modem&Routers
2022-10-04 07:01:21
Re:TPlinkdns created sucessfully but can't access router via DNS name - IP Adress works fine
@Philbert Thank you very much for your answer. But the result is the same no matter where or who is trying to access my DNS Link. I asked several people to access my link out of different networks...
Forums/ DSL Modem&Routers
2022-10-01 16:06:27
TPlinkdns created sucessfully but can't access router via DNS name - IP Adress works fine
Hi guys, I created a dynamic dns name via and binded with my router. The dynamicdomainname seems to work properly. IP address is can be achieved by looking up or pinging the name....