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Forums/ Range Extenders
2023-10-11 15:48:09
Advices for Extender and Deco?
Good day everyone, In my house I have problems reaching the bedroom, the house has 120m2 and 2 bedrooms. My Archer AX55 router is in the dining room connected to an R305 Extender which is in the...
Forums/ Feature Request (Extenders)
2023-06-26 19:27:18
Re:IoT Network Option for Extender Re305
@Sunshine Alright thanx
Forums/ Feature Request (Extenders)
2023-06-21 13:32:43
IoT Network Option for Extender Re305
Hi, I have enabled the IOT Option for my TP LINK Archer AX55 v1.0 with latest Firmware 1.2.3 Build 20230603 rel.46473(4555) bur is tehre a way to extend this feature also to the repeater? TP-Link...