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Forums/ WiFi
2023-05-04 17:41:21
Re:EAP650/EAP655-Wall | EAP650 | EAP670 | EAP653 May Drop Some IPv6 Packets. [Updated on Apr 18th 2023]
@Fae Feedback from my side: First impression, looks good! IPv6 is now usable at my network/wifi.
Forums/ WiFi
2022-12-13 18:49:22
Re:EAP650 dropping IPv6 traffic
@GPB The lastet firmware is now offline? I want to install die 1.0.6? Version but doesnt find it today on the website.
Forums/ WiFi
2022-10-18 16:53:18
Re:EAP650 dropping IPv6 traffic
EAP653 seems also be effected. I wrote a ticket some minutes ago.