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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-11-08 18:08:27
Re:New TP-link archer ax73 can't access some websites
@Liverpool20 Thanks for the reply. None of the clients are able to connect to these sites. Connections to other sites are also not good. I have reset the router several times, to no avail. At each...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-11-05 14:47:56
Re:New TP-link archer ax73 can't access some websites
Answering myself. The router is inoperable as it cannot be used. Switched back to my old router. During installation, I used the Quick Setup Wizard and then changed a few settings under the advanced...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-11-04 10:27:33
New TP-link archer ax73 can't access some websites
Recently bought a new TP-Link archer ax73. Installation was easy and pairing my devices went well. Then when I was going to surf to some web pages I saw that I couldn't reach some (quite a few). When...