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Forums/ Routers
2023-02-24 20:45:52
ER605 OpenVPN client
I have successfully set up openvpn server on my er605. Now though I would like to set up open vpn client. I would want my ER605 to connect to my family members Nighthawk router. I can successfully...
Forums/ Routers
2023-02-12 20:16:38
standalone ER605 - dynamic DNS
If anyone is struggling with a free dynamic service then I was able to successfully use dynu dns after contacting their support. On the most recent firmware select the custom tab. In the GENERAL...
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
2022-12-05 20:03:23
Disappointed that this new expensive mesh system doesn't support OpenVPN. Hoping it will be added very soon. Is there a timeframe for this?