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Forums/ Routers
2023-09-27 12:24:51
Re:Access VLAN to VLAN
@Tedd404 I think that the 3rd rule applies to traffic between all VLANs, so if I put it in the 1st place, it does not check the rules that follow it. I think the order 3 1 2 has the same result as if...
Forums/ Routers
2023-09-27 06:57:19
Re:Access VLAN to VLAN
Hello @Hank21 ! Thank you for your reply! Below the link is a setting where one VLAN is disabled and the others are enabled. I currently have 7 VLANs (a small community building with several smaller...
Forums/ Routers
2023-09-21 08:36:31
Access VLAN to VLAN
I use an ER7206 v1.0 in standalone mode. Firmware version: 1.2.3 I need to reach 2 other VLANs from one device (G_VM1). I can reach the G_AdminLan and I can't reach the G_OfficeLan. 1. Rule in AC:...