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Forums/ DSL Modem&Routers
2023-02-22 05:37:21
How to use VR2800 as extender?
Can someone help enable WDS on VR2800 router to use as extender?
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2023-02-09 06:58:43
Re:Kasa smart bulbs loosing wifi..
How are you determining they're losing their wifi connection? Seeing them not available in kasa could be for a number of reasons, not just wifi. For the bulbs you'll need to look at your router's...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2023-02-09 04:15:18
Why can't I view Tapo C310 stream remotely on Home Assistant?
I recently started using Home Assistant and wish to integrate my Tapo C310 outdoor cameras. I have created my user name and account on the app but I am unable to view the stream remotely, even...