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Forums/ Switches
2023-02-06 13:39:13
Re:Total Amateur with basic switch set up question
@mwo Again, appreciate the clarification. Just ordered a new router that should be here later today! Thanks, Brian
Forums/ Switches
2023-02-06 01:35:18
Re:Total Amateur with basic switch set up question
@mwo Thanks for the reply. It's a Arris CM3200. It is the one provided by our ISP, Armstrong. A quick search and it appears to be just a modem and not a combination modem-router (gateway?). If in...
Forums/ Switches
2023-02-04 23:35:49
Total Amateur with basic switch set up question
Does the switch (TL-SG108PE) require a router between it and the cable modem? It was my understanding that I could connect the switch directly to the cable modem thus getting internet to the switch....