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Forums/ Routers
2023-02-11 14:08:21
Re:ER605 OpenVPN is always in Full Mode
Hi @Liuck1975, Thank you very much for the options, but my problem is not necessarily of being routed on my PC (I'm on Linux and can configure which traffic to go where), but on every other device...
Forums/ Routers
2023-02-10 14:31:00
Re:ER605 OpenVPN is always in Full Mode
Hi @Liuck1975, Unfortunately I don't have the option. This is the .ovpn config (until the certificates part): client dev tun proto udp float nobind cipher AES-128-CBC comp-lzo no resolv-retry...
Forums/ Routers
2023-02-10 12:43:05
Re:ER605 OpenVPN is always in Full Mode
Hi @ObiWanKenobi , Well, I'm still in the designated "private network" allocation, so that shouldn't be a problem (I can confirm that clients can access desired resources). The issue I'm facing is...
Forums/ Routers
2023-02-10 12:17:47
Re:ER605 OpenVPN is always in Full Mode
Hi @ObiWanKenobi, I'd like that all VPN ips to be in 192.168.1.*, but the VPN clients should be able to access both 192.168.0.* and 192.168.1.* . Kind regards!
Forums/ Routers
2023-02-10 07:07:02
Re:ER605 OpenVPN is always in Full Mode
Hi @Hank21, Thanks for the reply! I did. I also compared the new .ovpn with the one generated when the Full Mode was enabled, and the only difference where the keys. Kind regards!
Forums/ Routers
2023-02-09 19:20:53
ER605 OpenVPN is always in Full Mode
Hello, Since the last firmware update, which added Full Mode for OpenVPN traffic, the VPN works only in full mode even when it is unchecked. Current config: Am I the only one who encounters this...