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Forums/ Deco
2023-03-16 09:44:12
Re:Is XE75's 6Ghz compatible with M5 for wireless backhaul?
Hi @David-TP, thanks for the reply! As I mentioned, my current set up is a bunch of Deco M5 and M4, with an M5 as the main. For some reason, my main M5 ends up serving most of the clients. Since it's...
Forums/ Deco
2023-03-14 09:51:50
Is XE75's 6Ghz compatible with M5 for wireless backhaul?
Hello all! My current set up consists of a bunch of Deco M5 and M4, with an M5 as the main. I am planning to upgrade (either X60, X68, or XE75) but will be leaving the M5 and M4 in the network. My...