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Forums/ WiFi
2023-03-31 05:05:41
Re:Seamless Roaming with Android Pixel phones - does it work?
@am4c130d @Shoresy I think I got close to the solution. Now the pixels are roaming. This is what I did - disable 6ghz - set wpa mode to wpa2 (disabled wpa3 basically) - enabled 802.11r and it is...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-03-23 05:08:17
Re:Seamless Roaming with Android Pixel phones - does it work?
@Shoresy yes, you're right. the signal is still usable, it is 5Ghz, and it is not roaming. For any other phone, still in 5Ghz of course, is roaming as soon as the signal is stronger somewhere else....
Forums/ WiFi
2023-03-23 03:23:24
Re:Seamless Roaming with Android Pixel phones - does it work?
@am4c130d @Shoresy I tried [pretty much everything roaming during an existing connection did not work i took the power down to 4dBm, it did not work as well, not even during a call i tried with fast...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-03-18 15:56:39
Re:Seamless Roaming with Android Pixel phones - does it work?
@am4c130d I have exactly in your same problems 13 EAP615, all over, two stories. Everything is roaming perfectly, moving from south 1st floor to north 2nd floor, the iphone roams through several APs....