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Forums/ Deco
Re:Decos disconnect from other decos when new deco added
@Speed7 This might help.
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Deco app is annoying
@Bar666xp You can link IP addresses to MAC addresses. Does you third party mesh act as an AP or as a Router? If it acts as an AP (no NAT), the Deco will see each device as coming through wire, and...
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Deco running slow or not at all with wired backhaul
@neilbaker86 Is the wifi active on the Virgin media hub? If yes, do you have same issue when you disable it?
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Bandwidth is being halved after each node in the WiFi Mesh
@cgarry The backhaul should automatically use all available bands. The app shows, in the details of each satellite Deco, the bands actually used.
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:All google services show in Russian if I use it thru my Deco network
@GaborN I suggest comparing the response given by https://test-ipv6.com/ when going thru the Deco or not.
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Deco app is annoying
@Bar666xp The main, guest and IOT "wifi networks" offer some isolation, but all devices are in the same subnet. A device must know the wifi password to connect, they should not be "transferred" to...