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Forums/ Deco
2023-04-12 10:08:57
Re:Manual Channel Selection
@David-TP Thank you for taking the time to reply and explain. I do notice unstable connection, and very very slow speeds. Sometimes, For a brief moment after pressing the optimize option, it is all...
Forums/ Deco
2023-04-09 10:12:57
Re:Manual Channel Selection
Hi and thank you for your answer. As far as I read about your suggestion, they are not banned in my country. Is there any other suggestion? maybe to try another firmware? It baffles me that it...
Forums/ Deco
2023-04-08 12:43:31
Manual Channel Selection
I still do not understand why Deco will not let us choose channels manually. I have used several apps to show me what are the best and worst channels to use and Deco automatically chooses the worst...