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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2023-05-07 19:22:40
Re:VR300 | Errors (pkts) increases after ~ 12 hours of usage. Download bitrate drops down dramatically
@BeamFain BeamFain wrote I am using TpLink Archer VR2100 (EU) v1 and I have the exact same problem. Works perfectly for a while and then bam, high error (pkts) and download speed falls to maximum...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2023-05-07 19:19:41
Re:VR300 | Errors (pkts) increases after ~ 12 hours of usage. Download bitrate drops down dramatically
@ParkundRoserval unfortunately I have the same issues
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2023-05-07 19:05:38
Re:Unstable DSL in new (1.5.0/1.6.0) firmware VR2100
@leczo I've experienced the same issues :-( Most of the time watching tv (cable) or playing games (wifi)