Unstable DSL in new (1.5.0/1.6.0) firmware VR2100
I'd like to share observation on DSL stability in last 2 firmware releases on VR2100.
Firmware 1.4.0 - very stable, line is up for months and months and months, with very low total error (pkts) ~ few hundreds in a month.
Firmware 1.5.0 and 1.6.0 - extremly unstable in DSL part, immediatly after upgrade I noticed issues in Teams/Skype calls, packet loses, dsl errors (pkts) easily in hundreds/thousands per minute, line drops few times a day.
Tested on 3 different modems (same hw version 1.0) on 2 different physical locations.
SRA ro QoS settings does not affect it.
Line provider: CETIN (Czech Republic).
Below screens from 1.4.0fw from 2 different lines. It seems it's not related to line quality as it behaves the same on good line (left screen) and rather poor line (right screen). Have no screenshot of the 1.6.0 unfortunately, with superhigh errorcount (~300k+ within 10hrs)
Does anyone observe simmilar DSL stability issues with newer firmwares (1.5.0/1.6.0) on VR2100?
It's really annoying, when I buy this great modem time to time for some of my colleagues, and have to downgrade the firmware right after purchase.