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Forums/ Range Extenders
2023-06-25 15:07:39
Re:Hardwire AC1750 extender
@Alex4321 The issue is that running in AP mode is not the same as Mesh Mode Mesh mode "prolongs" the range of the same connexion, but AP mode is like connecting to 2 different WIFI. Giving them the...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2023-06-25 12:12:39
Re:Hardwire AC1750 extender
I have the same question... Only option I saw was to make it an access point... but in extender mode, it seems as wifi is the only option :(
Forums/ Range Extenders
2023-06-25 12:10:54
Re:TP LINK RE450 IP Problem
@Stevepredator I would suggest that you reserve the IP for your extender on your main router if you didn't You may have a device competing for the same IP in the house (or a neighbour stealing your...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2023-06-23 15:05:19
RE450 extender is listed as OneMesh Compatible but can't find the option
The product page for RE450 states that it is OneMesh compatible, yet I can't find the option in the menus.... I updated to the latest firmware yet, no luck... Can someone help me please?