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Forums/ Deco
2024-04-03 05:42:47
Re:Wifi 7 320Mhz
@raven-au I don't think you've quite got what I'm asking. I know the BE85 SSIDs are 160Mhz and that there are no 320Mhz SSIDs based on what I have seen in a WiFi monitoring app and these same apps...
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-02 23:25:27
Re:Wifi 7 320Mhz
David-TP wrote @raven-au Hi, Nice to see you again. The mobile clients need to be WiFi 7-supported and the 320Mhz in the 6 GHz band(5925-6425 MHz) has been adopted in the local wireless regulations....
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-01 00:06:54
Re:Deco has temporarily switched your Wi-FI channel width to 80 MHz due to detected radar signals.
@IntrovertSins you might want to check that you are getting 160Mhz. The ASUS does have an option to select 160Mhz and another to allow DFS channels. But if you enable using DFS channels and radar is...
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-31 04:38:22
Wifi 7 320Mhz
Hi all, Can someone from TP Link explain to me what the conditions are for the BE85 to be ablle to provide 320Mhz channel width to clients?
Forums/ Deco
2024-02-01 23:13:25
Re:Initial difficulties with Deco XE75
007Bond wrote @raven-au I have this exact same issue was it ever resolved? I'm nott sure, I upgraded the XE75 to a BE85 and it works well.
Forums/ Deco
2024-01-08 11:28:16
Re:Deco XE75 unknown SSID from wifi 6E
@David-TP it's visible and usually starts with lower case z. For example it shows up on my phone. It follows the 6GHz in that there are three access points in the group corresponding to the SSID and...