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Forums/ Range Extenders
2023-10-31 15:06:35
Re:Range Extender WiFi speed is 1/10th the speed of its Ethernet Port speed
@David-TP Thanks for responding. For some reason, the situation has improved without me doing anything. After it being consistently about 50Mbps to 70Mbps for quite a few days, I am now getting about...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2023-10-26 21:06:58
Re:Range Extender WiFi speed is 1/10th the speed of its Ethernet Port speed
@terziyski Many thanks for taking the time to respond. Much appreciated. I have spent a fair amount of time experimenting with various setting options, and have tried changing the High Speed settings...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2023-10-26 17:37:29
Range Extender WiFi speed is 1/10th the speed of its Ethernet Port speed
Hi I have positioned my RE550 WiFi extender at the "Perfect Signal" location as noted in the Location Assistant within the Tether app. When I connect my computer directly to the RE550 Ethernet port,...